CERNUNNOS Enchanted Magickal Powder - Celtic
god of wisdom, strength/ power (mainly Gallic) a fertility & chthonic god, invokes strength & power. Honor this Horned
God of the Forest for prosperity in your life.
EGYPTIAN MUSK ROSE Enchanted Magickal Powder -
An exotic aphrodisiac musk oil, fit for a the embodment of Cleopatra with her many skills and create your own eternal
undying love story with your chosen Anthony.
MONEY DRAW Enchanted Magickal Powder-
Protects against financial loss and attracts money and material things...Luck in business and gambling.
MONEY MAGICK Enchanted Magickal Powder- For getting
$$$ in a hurry. When you absolutely need money NOW!!!
SUCCESS Enchanted Magickal Powder - Use to strengthen
endeavors and overcome obstacles....good for business success. Gives success in any type of business, promotions, increment
in salary, getting descent jobs and all those who don't have a job will get very good job in no time...use also for attaining
success in court affairs.
TRUE WILL Enchanted Magickal Powder - Use
to find & understand your true destiny! Use when you absolutely must make the right choices.
VICTORIAN ROSE Enchanted Magickal Powder
The best of the Victorian era..Love, sweetness of Romance...brings in romance, affection and a sweet precious, tender love.