Magical Rites From The Crystal Well
The Crystal Well" was a small magazine that was published at a time
when little information was available on Wicca, Witchcraft, and Paganism. Because of this, the rituals from that magazine
circulated far and wide. Today, decades later, they are still popular. Why? Because they're some of the most beautiful, magical,
and lyrical rituals ever written.
These wonderful rituals have been collected in a beautifully illustrated
book. Among the many rituals and techniques you'll find in Magical Rites from the Crystal Well are:
- Rites for all of the seasons, including Midsummer, Lammas, Winter,
and more.
- The Rite of Calling Down the Moon
- The Ceremony of Cakes and Wine
- The Feast of the Full Moon
- Storm Magic
- Magical Dance
- Building an Astral Temple
- Pathworking
- A Handfasting Rite
- Rite of Dedication and Protection for an Infant
Each rite includes complete instructions, with every word and every
action clearly explained. The book also includes Pagan lore, such as the Rede of Chivalry, tips on forming a Pagan training
group, how to tell if your pet is also your familiar, and much more. Paperback